Terms of Use & Disclaimer

This website (“Website”) is run by Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) or its agent. These terms and conditions of use (the “Terms of Use”) apply to the Nippon Shokubai Web site located at https://www.shokubai.co.jp/.

By using the website, You are requested to read this terms of use before using the website. Please use this website only if you agree with this terms of use.

At any time, the Company may choose to apply amended Terms of Use without notice. This Website is linked to other websites operated by the Company and by its affiliates. By using such linked websites, you must also agree to the particular terms of use for the relevant websites.


You are prohibited from the following.

  • Committing any act that (i) causes damages to or invade the property or privacy of the Company or any third party or (ii) might cause damages to or invade the same, such as the use or dissemination of harmful programs such as computer viruses.
  • Committing a malicious act such as attempting to modify this Website or the making unauthorized use of this Website as a platform.
  • Submitting a false statement or notification, such as the unauthorized use of another individuals email address.
  • Defaming the character or trustworthiness of a third party or the Company; slandering or threatening a third party or the Company; or engaging in any similar act.
  • Committing any other acts which violate or might violate any laws, regulations, or ordinances.
  • Committing any other acts the Company deems inappropriate.

2.Intellectual Property Rights

All works of authorship including names, logos, marks, illustrations, pictures, and documents (“Content”) displayed on this Website by the Company are protected under the copyright laws of Japan and other countries and under treaties and other laws. Any and all use of the Content, such as reproduction, transmission, distribution, modification, sales, publication, reuse, posting, or other similar acts, without our approval is strictly prohibited except for private use or other use explicitly permitted by applicable laws.

By making this Website available, the Company does not grant any license regarding copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights or any other intellectual property rights related to the Content. In addition, the Company does not warrant that use of this Website does not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties.

The trade names, trademarks, and emblems (including “Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.”, “NIPPON SHOKUBAI”, “AQUALIC”, “AQUALOC” and “EPOMIN”) appearing on this Website and within its Content are protected under the Commercial Law, the Trademark Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and other laws. The use of these trade names, trademarks, and emblems without our explicit approval is prohibited.


Any document, data, or other form of information submitted or contributed to the Company via the Internet (“Provided Information”) shall be considered neither confidential nor proprietary as a result of the act of submission. By sending or contributing Provided Information to the Company, you are deemed to have permitted the Company and its affiliated companies to modify, send, publicly release, broadcast, contribute, or use in any other form your communication for any purpose.

All personal information contained in the Provided Information shall be handled by the Company in compliance with our Privacy Policy

4.Links to This Website

You may link to this Website without notifying the Company or obtaining permission. You may link directly to this Website from any page on your website under the following conditions: you must comply with the Terms of Use; link only to the home page of this Website at the address of https://www.shokubai.co.jp; and indicate our company name accurately as either “Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.” or “NIPPON SHOKUBAI.”

The Company may change its URL or the content of this Website without notice in an effort to improve the Website or for other reasons. Therefore, we do not warrant that the Website to which you have established a link will retain the same URL indefinitely or that the content of the Website will remain unchanged indefinitely.

The Company retains no control over any website of a third party that contains a link to this Website (“Linked Site”). The Company is not responsible for the content of any Linked Sites or any damage arising in connection with the use thereof.

The existence of a Linked Site does not represent the Company’s endorsement of that site or any products, services or companies offered on the Linked Site, nor does it necessarily indicate that the Company has a special relationship, such as business affiliation, with the operators of the Linked Site.


The Company has developed and launched this Website with due care. However, the Company does not make warranty of any kind with respect to the information contained on this Website in any way, including without limitation:

  • the accuracy, safety and usefulness of the information;
  • its fitness for particular purposes;
  • the currentness of the information
  • its freedom from computer viruses or other malicious content; and
  • freedom from liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties in connection with the information. Moreover, the Company assumes no liability of any kind whatsoever arising from or in relation to the use of this Website or Linked Sites, including, but not limited to, liability for a claim for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages.Be aware that the information contained on this Website is subject to change without notice. Moreover, the Company may suspend or discontinue the operation of this Website at any time.
    In no event will the Company assume any liability for, for whatever reason, any damage arising from or in relation to a change to the Content of this Website or the suspension or removal of the Website.
    The applications of the Company’s products introduced in this Website are provided for reference purpose only. Please pay attention to the existence of the intellectual property rights (including patents and patent applications) owned by any third party(ies) and avoid the possible infringement of such intellectual property rights in using such products. The Company shall in no event be responsible for any damages or liabilities caused by infringement or alleged infringement of said intellectual property rights in relation to the use of such products.

Moreover, the Company assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this Website or Linked Sites, including, but not limited to, responsibility for a claim for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages.
Be aware that the information contained on this Website is subject to change without notice. Moreover, the Company may suspend or discontinue the operation of this Website at any time.
In no event will the Company assume liability for, for whatever reason, any damage arising from a change to the Content of this Website or the suspension or removal of the Website.

6.Governing Law

This Website and its Terms of Use shall be governed by Japanese law. Any dispute arising from the use of this Website or its Terms of Use shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court.


This Website uses an encryption method called SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to ensure the secure handling of all information provided, such as requests for information materials.