In development 3D Cell Culture Vessel: MicoCell™

  • Main Applications

    Cell therapy, Regenerative medicine, Toxicity assay, Drug screening, Modeling of cancer and organs, etc.

  • Applications

Features and Properties


Formation of cell aggregates attached to substrate

  • (Cell aggregates) expected to be highly functional because they are in a similar state to that in the body
  • Easy medium exchange

Non-biological material is used
Cell aggregates can be collected without enzymatic processing

  • Cell aggregates can be collected together with cell products


Formation of suspension cell aggregates

  • Easy to lose cells during medium exchange


Cultured cells are in a completely different state from that in the body.

  • Difficult to express cells’ original function

Examples of Use

Vessels Examples

Various types of vessels are under development.

Culture Examples

Human adipose-derived stem cells

It is possible to produce large quantities of adhering cell aggregates with a uniform particle size.
The cell aggregates can be collected without the use of release agents (enzymatic processing).
Higher undifferentiated marker production potency can be maintained, compared with two-dimensional cultures and three-dimensional suspension cultures.

Rat Primary Hepatocytes

Liver Cancer Cells (HepG2)

The data is provided by Professor Hiroyuki Ijima from the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University.

Cell Aggregates Containing Vascular Structures

Co-culture of adipose-derived stem cells and vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC)
• Forming a dome-shaped blood vessel in the vertical direction from the adhesive substrate surface

Vascular structure viewed from the top
Vascular structure viewed from the side
Vascular structure viewed from the bottom
(Blue indicates cell nuclei)

• Vascular structure improves hypoxia (state of low oxygen) in cell aggregates

Fumiaki Shima, Tomomi Makino, Fabrication of Spheroids with Dome-Shaped Endothelial Tube Networks by an Adhesive Culture System, Adv. Biosyst. 4 (10), 2020, 2000120.
Item Features Advantages
Vessel Properties No use of biologically-derived components and materials Possible to create cultures that do not contain biologically-derived components and materials
Flat bottom, high transparency, no surface treatment Clear observation with phase contrast and fluorescence microscopes
High-density cavity structure Possible to produce large quantities of cell aggregates with a uniform particle size (several hundred to 40,000 or more)
Culture PropertiesFormation of cell aggregates that are moderately attached to the bottom of the vessel Reduces loss of cell aggregates during culture medium exchange, enables long-term culturing, and is easy to carry
Cell aggregates can be collected without the use of release agents (enzymatic processing)Easy operation, low toxicity, cell products such as extracellular matrix
Cells FunctionsMaintains a good survival rate and protein productionApplications in drug screening, regenerative medicine, etc.


  • This is a product we are currently developing.
    It is not a medical device, but a physical and chemical device for laboratory research.
  • The data listed in this page are examples, and are not guarantees of the performance of this product.
  • Please note that the contents and MicoCell™ specifications listed on this page may be changed without prior notice.
  • Please be aware of the intellectual property rights related to third-party usage, usage methods, etc. when using the Nippon Shokubai product(s) listed in this website page. The Company does not take any responsibility whatsoever for any issues that may arise in relation to these intellectual property rights.