In development Near Infrared Absorbing Dye: EXCOLOR™ Series

Basic Information


Black powder

Features and Properties

Highly Solubility

  • Excellent solubility in various solvents (ketones and BTX)

Highly Durable

  • High durability against light, heat, and water

Various Wavelength Ranges

  • Maximum absorption in the 650 – 1,050 nm ranges
  • Able to control the required absorption wavelengths by optimizing the molecular design

Details of Functions

List of Properties

Near Infrared Absorbing Dye
NameMaximum Absorption Wavelength (nm)SolubilityHeat Resistance
IR-10A8555% (MEK)250°C min.
IR-148303% (MEK)300°C min.
IR-209043% (MEK)300°C min.
IR-288953% (MEK)250°C min.
IR-9249375% (TOL)250°C min.
IR-9159715% (MEK)250°C min.
Heat Ray Absorbing Dye
NameMaximum Absorption Wavelength (nm)SolubilityHeat Resistance
HA-185020% (MEK)300°C min.

Absorption Spectrum

  1. Near infrared absorbing dye (800 – 900 nm)
  2. Near infrared absorbing dye (900 – 1,000 nm)
  3. Heat Ray Absorbing Dye

1.Near infrared absorbing dye (800 – 900 nm)

Graph of Spectrum in dissolution(in CHCL13)

2.Near infrared absorbing dye (900 – 1,000 nm)

Graph of Spectrum in dissolution(in CHCL13)

3.Heat ray absorbing dye

Graph of Spectrum in dissolution(in CHCL13)