Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Nippon Shokubai has set “respecting diversity” as one of the common values of our Group, and we see the promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I) as essential for sustainable growth. In this age of rapid change where it is difficult to predict the future, the promotion of D&I is an important management strategy, and it is necessary to bring together people from a diverse range of backgrounds to speak from various perspectives and share ideas, leading to the creation of innovation.
In addition, the Nippon Shokubai Group Code of Conduct prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, social status, origin, ideology, creed, religion, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the presence or absence of disease or disability. In response to the changing values of our increasingly diverse employees regarding their career and work styles, we are implementing various D&I promotion measures.

D&I Promotion Policy

We have formulated a D&I Promotion Policy in order to respect the diversity of our employees. We recognize diverse ability, individuality, and value of each individual and unify them to enhance collective strength of Nippon Shokubai Group. We are implementing various measures to become an organization in which everyone can flourish in their own way.

< D&I Promotion Policy>

  1. We will create a working environment and culture where employees can work with diversity and mutual respect, and grow together.
  2. Each employee, as a professional, will make every effort to show his or her individuality and ability, that will lead to innovation.
  3. By enriching and balancing employee’s work and life, each employee will improve his or her motivation and maximize their ability, thereby make great achievements

D&I promotion system

The promotion of D&I at Nippon Shokubai started in 2019 with the President’s recommendation of the “Women’s Empowerment Project,” which consists of five women in core managerial positions. In response to our expansion of D&I, we established the D&I Promotion Group in the Human Resources Department in 2021, and we ae working to create an environment, systems, and culture in which diverse talent can play an active role and thrive.
Under our long-term vision, “TechnoAmenity for the future,” we have set targets for the ratio of female hires, the ratio of female managers, and the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave. The Corporate Managing Committee reviews and discusses the progress of these targets and the measures undertaken, demonstrating management’s commitment to promoting D&I.

History of the promotion system


Launched the Women’s Empowerment Project
Proposing company tasks and measures to enhance the promotion of women’s participation and advancement in the workplace

D&I Promotion Group established in the Human Resources Department
Promoting the development of an environment, systems, and culture in which diverse talent can play an active role and thrive

Message from the Management on D&I Promotion

D&I in our company means that diverse employees, not only diverse in race, nationality, gender, age, or disability, but also diverse in ability, individuality and values of each individual, respect each other, demonstrate and integrate their abilities, and create new value.
In this age of rapid change where it is difficult to predict the future, we must respond flexibly to change, understand issues from the customer’s perspective, and continue to provide products that help solve a diverse range of issues. This is why I believe that promoting D&I as a source of innovation is the key to achieving our long-term vision of “TechnoAmenity for the future.”

We introduced the new human resources management system in April 2022, which is based on the proper evaluation of individual abilities and achievements instead of academic background or seniority.
In addition to our existing flextime and teleworking systems, we have also introduced a continuity of work location system, which enables employees to work flexibly according to their individual circumstances.
In our current situation, I believe that the first indicators to measure the progress of D&I promotion are the ratio of women hires, the ratio of women in managerial positions, and the ratio of men taking childcare leave.
We continue to promote D&I, so that strive for the mutual growing and development of Nippon Shokubai and its employees and to provide new value to society in the future.

Member of the Board, Managing Executive Officer
Administration, HR, Finance, Accounting, General Affairs & HR Division
Kuniaki Takagi

Promoting active participation of diverse talent

D&I Promotion Roadmap (to FY2030)

We formulated a roadmap to FY2030 after setting out four key challenges for promoting D&I (fostering a D&I mindset, promoting the further empowerment of employees, supporting work-life balance, and the diversification of the corporate system). The human resources department’s D&I Promotion Group established in April 2021 is leading our planning and implementation of various measures.

D&I Promotion Roadmap (to FY2030)

Promoting women’s participation and advancement in workplaces

We have been actively promoting the participation of women in our business activities by actively hiring female employees in our administrative, chemical, and factory divisions. At the same time, we are focusing our efforts on fostering a corporate culture that allows women to continue working if they please, such as by improving our systems.
Our biggest challenge now is to increase the number of women in decision-making positions. To achieve this, we need to fill the pipeline for female employees, and in order to increase the number of female candidates for managerial positions, we need to raise the ratio of female employees across the company. Accordingly, we have set ratios for the number of female managers and female hires as indicators for promoting the active participation and advancement of women.

Increasing the ratio of female managers

We are working to raise the ratio of female managers to 6% by the end of FY2024. In order to achieve this goal, we believe it is necessary to further deepen a correct understanding of D&I in management and communication, particularly among managers, and to appropriately improve both the rate and speed of the promotion of women to section managers, which tends to be lower than that of men.
Based on this philosophy, we are promoting a deeper, more correct understanding by carrying out D&I management training for executives and line managers, as well as video training for managers.

Increasing the ratio of female hires

We have set a target of increasing our ratio of female hires to at least 30% for administrative and chemical department positions in FY2024. At least 30% of new employees in the administrative and chemical departments will be women, and we are aiming to build a talent pipeline that maintains this ratio. In order to achieve this target, we are actively promoting the creation of an environment that is friendly and welcoming to women, introducing female employees who are currently playing an active role in the company, and more.

Initiatives under the Next-Generation Children Act and the Women’s Participation and Advancement Promotion Act

Based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-Generation Children Act) and the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women’s Participation and Advancement Promotion Act), we set goals and an action plan for the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2025.

Promoting the active participation of foreign employees

In anticipation of further expansion of our business across the globe, we continue to hire foreign nationals in Japan as well as in our Group companies in other countries.

Promoting the active participation of employees with disabilities

We are committed to employing people with disabilities, who are playing active roles in various jobs at each of our workplaces.
Moreover, NS Green Co., Ltd., our designated Group subsidiary established from the perspective of promoting the employment of people with disabilities, is in charge of the management of green spaces of manufacturing plants, and also grows seedlings of chrysanthemum in small pots every year. In FY 2023, the pots are distributed to approximately 218 organizations for free, thereby supporting the urban greening project by the prefectural government.

Promoting the active participation of employees who have been rehired past the compulsory retirement age

We have introduced a job-based re-employment system that enables employees to continue working after compulsory retirement up to age 65 with a high level of motivation. We currently have more than 100 experienced rehired retirees who are contributing to the passing on of core techniques and helping to develop young talent. With an eye on the era of 100-year lifespans, we offer second-career training, programs for work experience outside the company (cross-border work), and more to support each employee in becoming a professional in their own life.

LGBTQ inclusion

The Nippon Shokubai Group Code of Conduct states that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is not permitted.

  • Establishment of a dedicated counter
    We have set up an LGBT helpline to help those with LGBTQ-related issues, including harassment and difficulties with coming out.
  • Benefits for same-sex partners
    As of April 2024, if an employee notifies the company that they have a same-sex partner, the company will treat said partner in the same way as spouses with respect to certain leave, leave of absences, and benefit systems. In order to foster a culture that makes it easier for employees to use the system, we are considering measures and working to create an environment that makes it easier for said employees to work.
     Applicable in-house programs: Marriage, bereavement, care and nursing leave, childcare and caregiving leave, company housing systems, and the employee welfare club

D&I training and lectures

D&I management training

The promotion of D&I is not driven by a specific department. It cannot be promoted without the understanding and cooperation of each and every department and business site. This training is first conduct for executives and line managers to foster a D&I mindset and promote innovation.

Promoting D&I as a management strategyD&I promotion as a corporate growth strategy, our D&I Promotion Policy, and promoting women’s participation and advancement in the workplace as a touchstone of D&I
Developing and managing a diverse workforceHow to unleash the potential of a diverse range of employees and deal with unconscious biases
Making the most of a diverse range of talent to strengthen the companyChanging the way we work – Reflecting changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the best practices of leading companies

In-house compliance training (D&I promotion)

As part of our in-house compliance training, we carried out D&I promotion training for all employees. The Nippon Shokubai Group Code of Conduct stipulates “respect for human rights” and the “promoting the active participation of diverse talent.” We are deepening our understanding of D&I in order to foster an organizational culture that embraces D&I.
After viewing the video material, participants reflected on their work and actions taken at their workplaces, identified what they could and could not put into practice, and discussed positive responses and solutions for each workplace.

In new employee training (D&I promotion)

D&I training for new employees, we foster awareness by explaining what D&I is, the significance of our efforts, and how each individual’s efforts will help create a positive D&I culture.

What is D&I? The background regarding its promotionWhy organizations need D&I, management strategies, and the risks for organizations lacking D&I
The first step to D&ISpecific actions to be taken, unconscious biases, and psychological safety
Nippon Shokubai’s initiativesOur D&I Promotion Policy, past initiatives, and current status

Networking training for female employees

Starting in FY2021, we have been carrying out networking training for female employees with the aim of helping participants develop their skills and shape their careers in a way that allows them to be themselves while finding fulfillment and job satisfaction, as well as facilitating networking among female employees. This training incorporates a lot of work and dialogue, and by expressing themselves verbally, they can gain a new understanding of themselves and learn a lot from others. In addition, by involving supervisors in these activities, we are able to stimulate communication between them as well.

Session 1Introduction
Lecture: “Working in My Own Way – Vitalizing the Company and Enriching Life”
Session 2Career Training (Career Design)
Proactively directing yourself to lead a professional life that is uniquely your own
Session 3Career Training (Self-Leadership)
Learning the elements of leadership that engage others in problem-solving at the workplace and in your career
Session 4Exchange with internal and external role models
Session 5Declaration of action by participants

Second career training

Second career training is held for employees aged 52 and up with the goal of having them reaffirm their own values and skills, helping them to map out their future career plans in light of possible changes in the environment. In order for senior employees to work with enthusiasm, it is important for them to make independent career choices. Participants take stock of their career and verbalize their strengths and values in order to deepen their self-understanding. They then consider their career options and design their future careers.

Thinking about future work styles and moneyThink about how you want to work and until what age, taking financial factors into consideration
Self-understandingIdentifying your strengths, characteristics, and values, which you can utilize in your future career
Considering your career optionsExpand your potential by considering your future career options from two different perspectives
Design your future careerPut into words what you want to be after age 60, and think about what you can and want to do moving forward

Cross-cultural communication training

We provide cross-cultural communication training so that employees can acquire the knowledge and common language necessary for working with people from different cultures. Targeted at those who have numerous opportunities to communicate with people from different cultures, both in Japan and overseas, approximately 20 people take this course every year. Participants gain an understanding of differences in culture, communication styles, work styles, problem-solving methods, and more, considering and learning how to behave in a different culture through pair work and discussions.

A mindset for accepting different culturesRather than blindly denying or ignoring differences in the culture, values, and common sense of others, learn to adopt a mindset of accepting them and utilizing them in your own work
Four styles of collaboration for understanding different culturesFour styles of collaboration that help promote an understanding of various differences so that challenges can be found and a mutual compromise can be reached
Communication skills for reaching out to people from different culturesLearn communication skills that help you reach out to those who are different from yourself