Stakeholder Communication

The Nippon Shokubai Group undertakes various initiatives to help stakeholders better understand the Company so that cooperation-oriented dialogue is more meaningful and geared toward achieving the Group Mission.

StakeholdersOur approachMain opportunities for communication
CustomersCreate innovation that are responsive to our customers’ needs and solve their problems, and provide safe and reliable products and services.・Communicating and providing support during sales and marketing
・Appearing at exhibitions
・Providing information through our product pamphlets, corporate website and other avenues
・Responding to inquiries made on the telephone/through our corporate website
Business partnersEstablish trust-based relationships with our business partners through fair and impartial business dealings, and promote sustainable procurement initiatives.・Communicating and providing support during purchasing
・Distributing CSR Procurement Guidelines
・Providing information through our corporate website and other avenues
・Administering and gaining feedback from CSR supplier surveys
EmployeesCreate workplaces where everyone respects and accepts each other’s differences and can work free of worry, and help each and every employee find motivation and optimal work styles.・Labor-management council meetings
・Safety and Health Committee meetings
・Talent development measures
・Evaluation consultation, Career consultation
・Company newsletters, portal site
・Company events
・Internal reporting system
Local CommunitiesEngage in proactive dialogue and establish trust-based relationships with local communities, and work with them to help them develop.・Environmental preservation-activities
・Local cleanup campaign
・Interactive activities with local communities
・The community dialogue undertaken by the JCIA’s Responsible Care Committee
・Developing the next generation
Public administratorsFulfill our corporate responsibility by complying with laws and regulations, participating in policymaking, and more.・Participation in committees and councils associated with governments and public agencies through industrial associations and other avenues
Shareholders and investorsMake efforts to improve corporate value by establishing trust-based relationships with shareholders and investors through fair disclosure and proactive dialogue.・Shareholders meetings
・Briefings for institutional investors/analysts
・1 on 1 meeting with investors
・Briefings for individual investors
・Facility tours
・Publishing TechnoAmenity Report (integrated report), Reports to Shareholders, etc.
・Providing information through our corporate website and other avenues