Environmental Management

Environmental Protection Policy

This Policy has been approved by the TechnoAmenity Promotion Committee (which is chaired by the President and composed of inside Members of the Board, Executive Officers and others appointed by the President).

The Nippon Shokubai Group has set out the following Environmental Protection Policy based on the Group Mission “TechnoAmenity: Providing prosperity and comfort to people and society, with our unique technology.”

  • Actively seek to improve energy efficiency, use renewable energy and bio-based raw materials, and engage in other efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduce emissions of waste and chemical substances and promote the recycling and the effective use of resources including water resources to contribute to the realization of a Sound Material-Cycle Society.
  • Actively seek to develop and provide products and technologies that help reduce environmental impact.
  • Seek to minimize the negative impacts of business activities and develop products and technologies that contribute to increasing the positive impacts on ecosystems in an effort to preserve and restore biodiversity.
  • Actively disclose and communicate information about environmental conservation to further mutual understanding with stakeholders.

Promotion Organization