Chemical Substance Control

Reducing Chemical Substance Emissions

Since FY1995, we have participated in the voluntary PRTR investigations conducted by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) in an effort to reduce emissions of chemical substances into the environment.
The reduction target during the period of the 11th (FY2022-FY2024) Medium-term RC Basic Plan was 81 t/y or less for FY2024. However, the target was revised to 99 t/y or less because the PRTR Law was revised in April 2023 and the number of applicable designated chemical substances greatly increased. We achieved our emission target of 90.1 t/y in FY2023 and we will continue to push for systematic reductions.

FY2023 Emissions of PRTR Substances (Top 10 Substances for Nippon Shokubai alone)


Cabinet Order No.Name of PRTR substanceAir emissionsDischarge into water areasTotalMovement
405Boron compounds0.027.527.50.2
321Vanadium compounds0.
4Acrylic acid and its water-soluble salts6.
56Ethylene oxide4.
7Butyl acrylate2.

Trends in Emissions of PRTR Substances