Sustainability Management

Sustainability Policy

We conduct business activities with the determination to contribute to society, under the Group Mission “TechnoAmenity: Providing prosperity and comfort to people and society, with our unique technology.” We believe that promoting sustainability activities is equivalent to practicing the Group Mission. Based on this belief, we take a comprehensive view of our corporate behavior that encompasses the economy, society and the environment. We therefore prioritize corporate governance, compliance, Responsible Care, risk management, human rights and labor, social contribution, and information disclosure. In implementing actions to increase our corporate value, we emphasize dialogue with our customers, business partners, employees, the communities we serve, public administrators, shareholders and investors, and all other stakeholders. We also endeavor to solve social issues through business activities, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Management System for promoting sustainability

TechnoAmenity Promotion Committee chaired by the president has been organized to implement sustainability initiatives.

Roles of TechnoAmenity Promotion Committee

  • Determine group’s policies and strategies relating to promote sustainability initiatives.
  • Direct each department to formulate plans and measures and evaluate their performance and progress.
  • Consider other significant matters relating to promote sustainability initiatives.
  • Disseminate information about the initiatives to stakeholders.

Operation for TechnoAmenity Promotion Committee

  • In principle, the committee meets at least twice a year.
  • When it is necessary to consider and adopt measures for important sustainability issues across departments, the committee will establish a subcommittee to assume responsibility for them.