Occupational Safety and Health
Consistent with its goal to completely avoid industrial injuries at the Company and its contractors, Nippon Shokubai implements occupational safety and health activities to improve working environments, reduce risk factors, and promote the creation of comfortable workplaces.
Basic Approach to Occupational Safety and Health
We promote occupational safety and health activities that prevent industrial injuries and health problems in the workplace, ensure safety and health for our employees, and create comfortable working environments.
Continuously Improving Occupational Safety and Health
We work to continuously improve occupational safety and health, mainly through our Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS). We also engage in hazard prediction (KY), hiyari hatto (near miss) analysis, 5S activities, and other basic safety activities on a daily basis, and systematically conduct training and drills in an effort to reduce industrial injuries. When industrial injuries occur in the workplace, we explore the causes at the scene, draft countermeasures, and have the Safety and Health Committee evaluate the countermeasures from the perspectives of labor and management to prevent the same or similar injuries from occurring again.
Risk assessment
We work to reduce and eliminate the risks of tasks and substances we work with by assessing them based on our Occupational Safety and Health Management System.
Basic safety initiatives
We recognize the importance of daily safety activities in preventing industrial injuries. Accordingly, we devote energy to KY activities preceding tasks, documenting near misses, and implementing 5S activities in the workplace. We aim to improve daily safety activities by regularly conducting KY training and seminars to maintain and improve risk awareness. Another effort aiming to prevent industrial injuries is posting posters and conducting training to thoroughly inform employees and ensure the rigorous implementation of the three basic safety behaviors: (1) Think before you act; (2) Pointing and calling; and (3) Hold the handrail when stepping on stairs.
On-site training sessions
Aiming to improve employees’ sensitivity and ability to predict potential risks in the field, we provide hands-on training using a VR simulator (see Himeji Plant Site Report), in addition to conventional drills in which participants are exposed to chemical liquids.
Status of industrial injuries
In FY2022, one injury with loss of workdays and two injuries without loss of workdays occurred at the Company, while our affiliates experienced one injury with loss of workdays and three without.
In the past several years, industrial injuries at the Company have often involved younger employees. Similarly, our affiliates report many injuries among relatively inexperienced workers. We intend to enhance safety training to improve risk awareness among younger and less-experienced employees.
Trends in Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate
Trends in Total Number of Industrial Injuries
(with Loss of Workdays and without Loss of Workdays)
Health-related accommodations for retirees from the Company
Although we have never manufactured asbestos products in our history, some of the insulation materials and sealants we used contained asbestos. Therefore, we respond to health-related consultations from retirees from the Company and set up medical examinations for all who desire them. For more information, please visit our website.