
To achieve the FY2030 Goals set forth in the Long-term vision “TechnoAmenity for the future,” the Nippon Shokubai Group is currently working on “Three transformations” under the Mid-term Management Plan “TechnoAmenity for the future-Ⅰ.” We will appropriately manage the progress of initiatives for the “Three transformations” by identifying materiality (material issues) and clearly setting KPIs (key performance indicators), specific goals and target years.
For the identification of materiality, we determined the scope of challenges to be tackled through discussions at the TechnoAmenity (TA) Promotion Committee, narrowed down the scope by reference to the Group’s long-term vision and “TechnoAmenity for the future-Ⅰ,” and obtained approval from the Board meeting after repeated deliberations in the TA Promotion Committee.

Materiality Identification Process

Figure of Materiality Identification Process

Materiality and Initiatives

Promote climate change response

Contribution to SDGs :

InitiativesKPI and their ideal state Year of achievementActual performance in FY2023
Contribute to carbon neutrality ・ Scope 1, Scope 2: reduce CO2 emissions by 30% from the 2014 level (Nippon Shokubai and Group Companies in Japan)End of FY2030Reduced by 15%
(including an offset equivalent to 7.3% through the purchase of carbon-neutral city gas)
Contribute to the circular economy・ Develop and socially implement technologies for resource use reduction and recycling
Promote the development and sales of Environmentally Contribution Products Environmental Contribution Products Revenue:
(1) 55 billion yen
(2) 135 billion yen
(1) End of FY2024
(2) End of FY2030
45 billion yen

* CO2 emissions : Our Group’s emissions reduction targets are for greenhouse gases, but since they are mostly carbon dioxide (CO2), they are referred to as CO2.

Contribute to solving customer issues

Contribution to SDGs :

InitiativesKPI and their ideal state Year of achievementActual performance in FY2023
・ Strengthen the company’s ability to understand issues and propose solutions
・ Strengthen the supply chain management
(1) Develop a platform to strengthen solution proposals
(2) Expand the Solutions business to achieve the dual focus of the Materials and Solutions businesses
(Sales ratio of 50% each, revenue of the 500 billion yen level)
(1) End of FY2024
(2) End of FY2030

(1)-1 Strengthened the experimental environment and equipment with the aim of, for example, promoting commercialization
(1)-2 Strengthened European functions with the aim of, for example, expanding the development and sales of products that address environmental issues

Promote safe and stable production activities

InitiativesKPI and their ideal state Year of achievementActual performance in FY2023
・ Strengthen the safety foundations
・ Foster a culture of safety
・ Third-party evaluation: maintain above industry standards for the petroleum and petrochemical industries・ Conducted a third-party evaluation at the Kawasaki Plant in FY2022
 → Confirmed the maintenance of levels above industry standards
・ Planned to conduct a third-party evaluation at the Himeji Plant in FY2025

Developing/Promoting the Active Participation of Talent

Contribution to SDGs :

InitiativesKPI and their ideal state Year of achievementActual performance in FY2023
Develop autonomous talent・ Improve the employee engagement score (transformation and growth of people and workplaces through early establishment of a new personnel system, linkage with
multi-layered measures, and organizational improvement)
・ Increase in the number of applicants for solicit publicly proposed autonomous
learning programs (e-learning, skill development training, online English conversation
classes, etc.) and make these programs better known within the company
End of FY2024・ Began to conduct engagement surveys in FY2022, and they are still ongoing
・ Began to conduct Company-recommended training named “autonomous learning programs” (with an attendance rate of about 20%)
Promote the active participation of diverse talent・ Improve the employee engagement score (promotion of suitable assignments,
individual motivation, and diverse and autonomous work styles through various
systems such as self-assessment and the continuity of work location)
・ Increase the ratio of female employees hired in the clerical and chemical fields to at
least 30%
・ Increase the ratio of females in managerial position to 6% or more
End of FY2024・ Began to conduct engagement surveys in FY2022, and they are still ongoing
・ Rate of female employees hired in the clerical and chemical fields: 28.6%
・ Rate of females in managerial positions: 5.4%

Strengthen corporate governance

InitiativesKPI and their ideal state Year of achievementActual performance in FY2023
Enhance the effectiveness of the Board meeting・ Improve the effectiveness of the Board meeting by enhancing its decision-making of anagement policy and strategy, and supervisory functionsEnd of FY2024Confirmed with a third-party evaluation that the effectiveness of the Board was ensured
Ensure the knowledge, experience, skills, and diversity of the Board meeting・ Disclose a skills matrix of the Board meeting
・ Satisfy the skills matrix of the Board meeting
End of FY2024・ Clarified each specialty and Experience in the skills matrix and the reasons for selection
(please refer to the Notice of the Shareholders Meeting for details)
・ Discussion ongoing at the Board meeting
Enhance medium- to long-term incentives for corporate officers・ Introduce stock-based compensation for internal Members of the Board, etc.End of FY2022Introduced the plan at the end of FY2022
(Effectiveness being monitored on an ongoing basis)