Developing the Next Generation

Activity Policy

As a company that provides materials and solutions needed by society in various fields and aims for sustainable development together with society, the development of the next generations who will create future is an indispensable and important initiative. Through programs that utilize the characteristics of our business, we help young people to acquire the knowledge and thinking that will enable them to carve out their own future and lead independent lives as members of society. In this context, we will promote activities that will help young people become familiar with and foster interest in manufacturing in chemistry, which is difficult to see in daily life, and promote girls’ participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education, which is a major issue in the promotion of D&I in the chemical industry.

Our Activities

Contribution to SDGs :

Riko challenge (Supporting Girls’ Challenges in STEM Fields)

The Riko challenge* is an initiative led by the Gender Equality Bureau of the Japanese Cabinet Office to encourage female students interested in STEM fields to make career path choices (challenge) by clearly imaging their future work in STEM fields.

Nippon Shokubai joined the “Riko challenge Supporting Organization” to support this initiative.

*Riko means science and engineering in Japanese.

Riko challenge

Demonstrations of Chemistry Experiments for Children

We put on demonstrations titled “Superabsorbent Polymers: Mysterious Powders.” Children find these demonstrations to be a fun, interesting introduction to chemistry.

The number of participants in our company’s booth

  • FY2022: Kawasaki Science Challenge (about 90 people), Science Booth Exhibit (about 100 people)
  • FY2019: Chemistry Day Kids’ Chemistry Experiment Show 2019 (about 450 people), Kawasaki Science Challenge (about 430 people), Science Booth Exhibit (about 330 people)
  • FY2018: Chemistry Day Kids’ Chemistry Experiment Show 2018 (about 400 people), Science Booth Exhibit (about 280 people)
  • FY2017: Chemistry Day Kids’ Chemistry Experiment Show 2017 (about 300 people), Science Booth Exhibit (about 250 people)
Experiment Show

Internship Program

We have created internship opportunities for technical college students.
